
Euthanasia - NOT a Human Right

Euthanasia - NOT a Human Right

It's been a key argument for proponents of euthanasia/assisted suicide since the argument began - flying across debating chambers and splurged across the media, the claim of a "human right" to choose one's death has been trumpeted from all seeking to overturn legislation. However, the European Court of Human Rights have ruled against this assertion, closing the door on two applications for the law to be reconsidered.

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Intensive Care? No place of safety for very sick people in Belgium

Intensive Care? No place of safety for very sick people in Belgium

Please sign our petition today. The situation in Belgium is growing more sinister and more urgent by the day.

Belgian Intensive Care doctors have now said, in very clear terms, that the law - regardless of what it does and does not allow - does not affect them. They and they alone will decide who lives and who dies in their hands, adults, consenting or not, children and all.

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New defeat in Connecticut for assisted suicide/euthanasia

New defeat in Connecticut for assisted suicide/euthanasia

Connecticut has become the latest New England state of the US to reject assisted suicide/euthanasia legislation.
Following New Hampshire and Massachusetts just recently, disability advocates helped the state's Public Health Committee understand the realities of such legislation for elder abuse and the particular dangers disabled people face.

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